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Sports Premium

Please find information on our sports premium below.

Sports Premium 2022/2023

The Primary PE and Sport Premium 2023/24

Sports Premium 2021/2022

Sports Premium 2020 / 2021

Impact of Sports Premium 2019 / 2020


The use of the Sports Premium ensures sustainability through:

- Staff training - increased knowledge and confidence in delivery ensures continuation of good practice moving forward.

- Improved resources - allow a wider range of activities to be taught (golf, cricket, gymnastics), using high quality equipment that will be available for years to come.

- Motivation of pupils - a high quality curriculum creates a  'culture of physical activity' in school, where enthusiasm and participation are high and children moving up through the school have high expectations and a willingness to participate in having a healthy, active lifestyle



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Now proud to be part of Ebor Academy Trust - new website coming soon.
Tel: 01944 738232