Our Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact:
Our intent for Science is that every child gains the skills needed to be enthusiastic about and talk knowledgeably about their enjoyment of scientific learning, exploration and discovery, starting witht he world around them and beyond. We promote our Wolds and Vale 7 B's values throughout all of our science learning and experiences. Children have individual science books, in line with all core subjects and our consistency in the use of working walls, knowledge organisers and key vocabulary across every classroom promotes a scaffolded and supportive approach to developing new scientific ideas and vocabulary as children progress through their journey of new ideas and experiences.
Progression Documents (EYFS-Y6):
Class 1 (EYFS/Yr 1/2)
Class 2 (Year 3/4/5/6)
Year C (2021-2022) Medium Term Overview:
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths: STEM activities encourage children to ask questions, make predictions, think creatively, test ideas, be analytical and find answers.
They are also fun and exciting! Why not try some at home and bring them into school for sharing assembly? We would love to share your explorations and investigations.
Try some of these STEM activities:
The 5 Types Of Scientific Enquiry:
At the Wolds and Vale Federation each science lesson across KS1 and KS2 includes at least one of these 5 types of enquiry. Activities in the Early Years also include elements of these where appropriate. Children are supported to use their investigative skills in a variety of ways in order to raise their own questions, collect data and information and draw conclusions. This is developed through practical activities and collaborative working and discussion.
KS1 children use the working wall at the begining of lessons to identify which of the 5 types of enquiry they will be using.
Lower KS2 children are supported and encouraged to identify for themselves which of the 5 types of enquiry is being utilised whereas in upper KS2 children are supported to explain why a particular type of enquiry is used and how it will benefit their investigation.
Try some of the interactive activities from bbc bitesize:
Animals Plants Human Body Habitats and the Environment
Materials Forces Light and Sound Electricity Earth and Space
The Living World Human Body Materials Forces and Motion
Light and Sound Electricity Earth and Space
Knowledge Organisers:
Find out about the key learning and vocabulary in each year group
Year 1: Year 2:
Seasonal Changes: Autumn and Winter Living Things and Their Habitats
Seasonal Changes: Spring and Summer The Environment
Animals Including Humans Animals Including Humans
Everyday Materials Uses of Everyday Materials
Scientists and Inventors Scientists and Inventors
Year 3: Year 4:
Plants Living Things and Their Habitats
Animals Including Humans Animals Including Humans
Forces and Magnets States of Matter
Year 5: Year 6:
Living Things and Their Environment Living Things and Their Environment
Animals Including Humans Animals Including Humans
Earth and Space Evolution and Inheritance