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National lockdown: stay at home

Coronavirus (COVID‑19) is spreading fast.

Do not leave your home unless necessary.

1 in 3 people who have the virus have no symptoms, so you could be spreading it without knowing it.


Updated Covid Risk Assessment Sept 21

Risk Assessment Covid-19

Letter to parents from Public Health England 

Covid-19 related pupil absence A reference guide for parents can be found here 


The lastest information from the government can be found using the following link -


Information for parents and carers of children at registered childcare providers (including nurseries and childminders), primary and secondary schools and further education colleges. This is for both state-funded and independent schools.


Supporting your children's education during coronavirus (COVID-19) please see the following link-


Coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to do

There are three simple actions we must all do to keep on protecting each other

  • Wash handskeep washing your hands regularly
  • Cover facewear a face covering in enclosed spaces
  • Make spacestay at least 2 metres apart - or 1 metre with a face covering or other precautions


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